If you are unsure of anything it is advised to either download the Registration or Application Forms as a reference or alternatively please seek the advise of your Studio Head or Trainer.
Upon completion of all applicable Registration and or Application Forms, please submit together with proof of payment and all supporting documents.
No application will be accepted without proof of payment!
How to complete the Online Registration Form
All applicable supporting documents as are mentioned in the ‘Checklist’ provided, includingproof of paymentmust be attached on the Registration Form.
Strictly use png, jpeg, jpg, gif and/or pdf files. All other formats are not supported and can result in problems arising when trying to complete your submission.
Registration Forms will not be processed without proof of payment.
Completed Registration Forms will be received by the Respective Branch of the Association in which you reside.
A copy of Registration Form will be emailed as confirmation of your Submission.